Chapter 1:Introduction to Japanese

  Hi everyone! I'm Nihongo Egg
Hi this is my first blog publish and my blog is mainly about learning Japanese (にほんご) through English and I may include some other language as well.I'm gonna explain all the lessons using English.hope you guys enjoy it

Let's learn and have fun together!
So just to make sure all of you understand the common idea about Japanese (nihongo) i'm going to tell you guys the basic...

     Japanese is a language that is used by the Japanese (Obviously)
Image result for laughing
ok guys,japanese has three different types of writing which is Hiragana (ひらがな) which used to write Japanese word such as かぎ (key),くるま(car) andともだち(friend).Next,the Japanese also have the Katakana which used to write the word that are not Japanese that commonly known as borrowed words such as スーパ(Supa which means supermarket).The last one will be Kanji which is a Chinese based writings system which used to shorten some words.

to ease your learning Japanese process,you guys should first learn the Hiragana.Hiragana basic divided into two which is the basic and the combo.
Image result for excited unicorn

So here goes the basic Hiragana
Image result for child hiragana chart

And this is the combo chart.
Image result for combo hiragana chart

*Please practice to write and remember the Hiragana as it is going to ease your learning process,no need to rush take your time....
Image result for relax take it easy
*All photos credits goes to their respective owners
Bye love ya !


  1. Thanks appreciate it very much...this is my 1st blog...


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